
Lifestyle Rewired

Responsive Website Design & SEO Services

Lifestyle Rewired is a technology startup out of Hawaii with the goal of helping people prevent or delay Alzheimer’s disease through lifestyle changes. The Lifestyle Rewired team selected Vanover Marketing to create an identity for the company, including a new, engaging and visual website with search-optimized content to drive users to take their proprietary Self-Audit.

One of the most vital parts of Lifestyle Rewired’s program in delaying dementia is to always be challenging and engaging yourself. The Vanover Marketing team worked to create a modern website that encourages and reflects this very important part of the program. By utilizing video backgrounds, parallax features, and animations, our team was able to create an interactive website that keeps you engaged and reading on. The website is also fully responsive, allowing users to easily navigate and read important news on Alzheimer’s disease while on their mobile phone or tablet.

Vanover Marketing performed a keyword analysis to determine keywords and phrases that are highly searched and relevant to Lifestyle Rewired’s business. Our team used this analysis to structure the site and develop content and meta tags to rank for top key phrases.

At the forefront of the healthy aging revolution, Lifestyle Rewired now has an interactive website that reflects their incredible, pioneering work.

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